How often do you have to deal with bad breath? This embarrassing condition is typically caused by bacteria or by food particles in your mouth. While removing bacteria may be your best answer, there are a few things other options you can consider to attain immediate relief. While you may think of using a breath mint first, please note that... read more »
Have you ever heard of dental veneers? As you may know, these thin shells are bonded to your teeth to give you a healthy, attractive smile. In fact, veneers can be used to correct crooked teeth, whiten your smile, or close small gaps in your mouth. Dental veneers are stain resistant and durable—but there are still things you can consider doing... read more »
Even with the best oral hygiene regimen, it's still possible for you to end up with cavities. If that's the case, then a dental filling is usually enough to help stop the problems caused by small to medium-sized cavities. As long as your cavities are diagnosed early, they can generally be treated with fillings. If you notice a change in... read more »
Tooth decay is not something you mess with, which is why it’s strongly recommended to see your dentist, Dr. Jorge Bastidas, right away and get the problem treated. If you get it treated as soon as possible, then you might only need a dental filling. If you delay treatment, you might need more extensive treatment, like: -Dental crown placement: If... read more »
Baby bottle tooth decay in Paterson, New Jersey, is a damaging dental problem that can affect your child’s oral health more than you know. In fact, it can lead to poor eating habits, speech problems, crooked teeth, and damaged permanent teeth. So, the best thing you can do for your child and their smile is prevent this issue as much... read more »
Do you wake up with jaw pain or have persistent headaches? Has your spouse told you that you grind your teeth at night? Many people clench and grind their teeth, a condition called “bruxism.” Teeth grinding is treatable, and should not be left to just work itself out. Bruxism has a variety of causes, including stress and anxiety. But most... read more »
Do you ever feel overwhelmed in the grocery store because of the multiple choices of floss? If so, our Comfort Dental Care team is more than happy to help you! Each product of floss can help you in different ways, and some may be better for your smile than others. So, to help you pick the best product possible, we... read more »
If you are waiting to restore your smile with a dental crown, chances are that you currently have a temporary crown placed over your tooth. The creation of your permanent crown might take a couple of days to be completed, which is why it is important for you to take good care of your temporary crown. So, to help you... read more »
Do you know what the soft tissue in your mouth is? As you probably guessed, it’s the soft tissue—including your tongue, cheeks, lips, and gums. Sadly, you’ve probably cut your soft tissue before, but do you remember how you responded. Similarly, do you know what you should do if you—or maybe your child—injure their soft tissue? Unfortunately, soft tissue injuries... read more »
As you probably know, cavities are a common problem. Fortunately, cavities are less common than they have been in the past. Sadly, despite their prevalence cavities can be hard to identify. In reality, there are three different types of cavities. Of course, all cavities are caused by decay. In fact, the simplest type of cavity is surface decay. This type... read more »